Summer School in Prague: „One of the best things I will remember is the contact to an international group from almost thirty different countries.“

Preparation: Searching of universities and programmes abroad

  • I found the programmme on the website. This programme fulfilled my criteria best. Interesting course program, good location in an international city and a good aftercourse programme.
  • Planning, application process and coordination at the host university
  • First step was a pre-request for a scholarship. Second was the application for the programme on the website of the Prague summer school. Third booking of the course the actual request for the scholarship.

Programme: At the arrival day there was a come together at the accommodation place with a personal introduction round. All necessary information’s were provided. The organisation was in general well thought through.

  •  I choose the project management course which was a course on introduction level. The learning environment was good and there was always assistance available when needed.
  • The course level was well balanced, and the teacher was native speaker with good teaching skills. I would overall recommend the program for future participants as it was a very good experience.

  • There was almost every day after work activities offered with two local guides who organised all the activities. They put a lot of effort in the organisation which was very appreciated by the participants.
  • There were for example a beach volleyball activity, a pub crawl, a karaoke night, a movie night, and several other activities. The activities were very appreciated by the participants.
  • Despite there were a lot of organised activities, there was also enough spare time beside the studying and course times.
  • A must see is in Prague is the well-preserved city centre. Prague is famous for its night live with pubs and discotheques, also the river side with bars and party boots is recommended.

Some of the course contents can surely be transferred to my future working life, as in engineering the work is lot of times organised in projects. One of the best things I will remember is the contact to an international group from almost thirty different countries. It has been a very good atmosphere in the course and during the leisure activities. It was a very nice experience with a lot of fun and very interesting to get to know a lot of different cultures.

Download Report: Report_Prague Summer Schools

My summer school experience in Finland: „Good academics, nature, white night and sauna – given a chance I would love to go back again.“

Hyvää matkaa! Jasim from the Master’s degree Engineering Sciences joined the LUT Summer School in Lappeenranta, Finland.

How did you prepare your stay?

„After being aware about the scholarship for Summer School from TH Rosenheim International offers, I started searching through all possible resources online. The website made the searching job easier. I was looking for relevant courses with respect to Engineering and I ended up finding LUT University offering course on Control Theory. My area of study is inclined to Control Engineering and I was fascinated by the Magnetic levitation topic which was offered in one of the three weeks. I filled up a form in their university website and later the Project Manager of the course contacted through E-mail.“

How was your leisure time and what did you do?

„Even though Lappeenranta is a small harbour city, the host university took a lot of efforts to arrange several activities to engage students after lecture hours. Sauna evening besides a the lake were organised every week. In addition a cruise trip in Saimaa lake with dinner was arranged. The most exciting programme was a weekend trip to Saimaa geopark where we got to stay under the tent for a night, kayaked in a clean water lake Kuolimo and cycled around the Geopark for a while. As the sun sets around 23:30 and never gets dark throughout the night time, we had plenty of time after lectures for get together, swim in the lake and chill at the beach.“

Overall, how do you look back on your stay abroad?

„There are possibilities to visit Helsinki and Tallinn if we plan according at beginning or at the end or during the weekends. Without a doubt, The Summer school helped me gain better understanding on Control Systems and its applications. (…).“


Download Report: Report_LUT University_Summer School

„Alles in allem war die Zeit in Schweden eine der schönsten meines Lebens.“

Da die Beschränkungen aufgrund des Corona-Virus in Schweden im Vergleich zu Deutschland deutlich lockerer waren, konnte man mehr Zeit mit Freunden verbringen. Durch mein ERASMUS+ Semester konnte ich nicht nur meine Englischkenntnisse erheblich verbessern, sondern auch neue Freunde fürs Leben finden, sowie mich persönlich weiterentwickeln. Deshalb würde ich diese Erfahrung jedem empfehlen!


  • Zum Ende meines Masterstudiums entschied ich mich, ein Auslandssemester zu absolvieren. Nachdem ich die Liste der Partnerhochschulen für die Fakultät ING gelesen hatte, entschied ich mich für Schweden, da das Land für gutes Englisch und ein gutes Bildungssystem bekannt ist und mich im Allgemeinen interessierte. Ursprünglich bewarb ich mich zunächst für ein Austauschsemester im Wintersemester 2020, jedoch verschob ich den Auslandsaufenthalt aufgrund der COVID-Situation frühzeitig.
  • Die Bewerbung für das ERASMUS-Semester lief völlig unkompliziert, man muss lediglich die Schritte im mobility-online-Portal abarbeiten. Bei Fragen standen die International Offices der TH Rosenheim und auch der Linnaeus University (LNU) jederzeit gerne und schnell mit Rat und Tat zur Seite.
  • Bezüglich der Vorbereitungen und Organisation ist auch die Checkliste des International Office der TH-Rosenheim hilfreich, da diese alle wichtigen Punkte abdeckt.

Alltag und Freizeit

Obwohl große Veranstaltungen aufgrund des Virus untersagt waren, gab es zahlreiche Möglichkeiten, um seine Freizeit zu verbringen. Wir haben beispielsweise am Anfang des Semesters eine Whatsapp-Gruppe erstellt, der alle ERASMUS-Studierenden beitreten konnten. Mithilfe dieser Gruppe haben wir uns dann zum gemeinsamen Studieren, Wandern, Spazieren, etc. verabredet, sodass es leicht war, Bekanntschaften zu machen.

Insgesamt ist für jeden etwas geboten, man kann die Natur in zahlreichen Naturreservaten rund um die 3 Seen in direkter Campusnähe genießen, in Cafés und Restaurants mit Freunden entspannen, wobei man mit 4 Personen am Tisch sitzen durfte. Zu Beginn des Semesters hatten die Restaurants bis 20 Uhr geöffnet, ab Juni dann bis 22 Uhr. Auch das Teleborgs-Schloss direkt am Campus, sowie die Schlossruine Kronoberg sind einen Besuch wert. Nachdem ich mit dem Auto angereist war, konnte ich mit Freunden außerdem viele Tagestrips machen, z.B. nach Öland, Kalmar, Karlskrona. Auch mit dem Zug kann man gut reisen, so besuchten wir Kiruna, Stockholm, Göteborg und Malmö.“

Download Erfahrungsbericht: Berger_SoSe21_Erfahrungsbericht_Studium_Växjö