„Diversity Management“- Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) in Mlada Boleslav, Tschechien

Angaben zum Auslandsaufenthalt

  • Skoda Auto University, Mlada Boleslav, Czech Republic
  • Blended Intensive Programme „Diversity Management“
  • Online Part: 5.02. + 07.02.2024
    Physical Part: 12.02. – 16.02.2024
  • Betriebswirtschaft, International Management M.A.


Meine Bewerbung war unkompliziert. Das beeindruckendste war das schnelle Feedback: Zuerst erhielt ich eine Platzierung auf der Warteliste, aber schon kurz darauf kam die ersehnte Zusage. Die Kommunikation mit dem International Office auf beiden Seiten war äußerst hilfreich; sie unterstützten mich effizient bei der Einreichung der Unterlagen. Insgesamt war der Prozess reibungslos, von der Bewerbung bis zur Zusage.


Die Unterkunft hatte ich über das International Office der Auto Skoda University gebucht. Sie boten an, ein Bett in einem geteilten Doppelzimmer im Skoda Auto Wohnheim für 396 CZK (ca. 15 Euro) pro Nacht zu reservieren. Als ich im Wohnheim ankam, war ich angenehm überrascht von der Sauberkeit und Organisation. Insgesamt war meine Erfahrung mit der Unterkunft positiv. Die Buchung über das International Office war einfach und komplikationslos.

Studium an der Gasthochschule

Die Einschreibung verlief reibungslos, und der Kurs bot einen interessanten Einblick in Diversity-Theorien wie Gender Theory und Intersectionality. Die Gastdozenten brachten vielfältige Perspektiven ein.

Der Campus an sich war zwar kleiner (ca. 1.200 Studierende), aber gut ausgestattet: Die Bibliothek bot eine Fülle von Ressourcen, die EDV-Anlagen waren modern und die Mensa bot jeden Tag vielfältige Mahlzeiten zu sehr erschwinglichen Preisen an. In Gruppen arbeiteten wir an Projekten, die uns tiefe Einblicke in die Anwendung von Diversity Management in der Praxis gaben. Die abschließende Präsentation am letzten Tag diente zugleich als Prüfungsleistung.

Alltag und Freizeit

Während der Woche gab es eine Vielzahl von Freizeitaktivitäten, die den Studierenden eine willkommene Abwechslung zum Studium boten. Das Willkommensdinner am Montagabend in einem Restaurant in Mlada Boleslav ermöglichte es den Studierenden, sich kennenzulernen und in gemütlicher, traditioneller Atmosphäre zu essen. Am Dienstag hatten wir eine Tour durch Mlada Boleslav. Mittwochs fuhren wir zur Svijany Brauerei, wo wir nicht nur eine informative Tour durch die Brauerei genossen, sondern auch ein leckeres Abendessen.

Der Donnerstag bot eine aufregende Gelegenheit, die Hauptstadt Prag (ca. 50 min entfernt) zu erkunden. Die Freizeitaktivitäten waren nicht nur unterhaltsam, sondern boten auch eine wertvolle Gelegenheit, die Kultur und Geschichte der Region kennenzulernen und sich mit anderen Studierenden zu vernetzen.


Mein Aufenthalt an der Skoda Auto University war äußerst informativ und bereichernd. Die Möglichkeit, mit Erasmus+ finanziert zu werden, war eine große Unterstützung und ich bin sehr dankbar für diese Chance. Die Organisation durch Tina Kaffl (IO TH Rosenheim) und das International Office der Skoda Auto Universität war herausragend, was zu einem reibungslosen Ablauf beitrug.

Während meines Aufenthalts konnte ich viele internationale Studierende kennenlernen und neue Eindrücke in verschiedene Kulturen gewinnen. Diese Erfahrung hat mein Verständnis erweitert und mir einen tieferen Einblick in interkulturelle Aspekte gegeben.

Insgesamt war mein Aufenthalt an der Skoda Auto University eine unvergessliche und lehrreiche Erfahrung, über die ich sehr dankbar bin und die ich jedem empfehlen kann.

Erfahrungsbericht Sabrina Weingart zum Download

„Global Sports Event“- Blended Intensive Program (BIP) in Sevilla, Spanien



Das internationale Office übernahm für uns Teilnehmer die Organisation, Hotelbuchung, die Anmeldung und begleitete uns durch den Vorbereitungsprozess. Lediglich die An- und Abreise mussten wir selbst organisieren.


Xior Sevilla – Residencia Universitaria

Die Lage der Unterkunft war super. Mit dem Bus oder Uber brauchte man 5 Minuten in die Innenstadt. Die Busstation war direkt vor dem Hotel. In der Nähe der Unterkunft (Fußweg 3-5Minuten) gab es zwei Supermärkte, Cafe´s und Bäckereien.

Studium an der Gasthochschule

Durch die Teilnahme am BIP, waren die Lehrveranstaltungen und der Tagesablauf vorgegeben. Die Vorlesung fand leider online statt und so kam auch die Projektarbeit etwas zu kurz. Der Campus ist sehr modern und einen besonderen Flair.

Alltag und Freizeit

Sevilla bietet einige Möglichkeiten für Studenten. In der Innenstadt gibt es an jeder Ecke Tapas Bar oder ein Cafe. In Sevilla sollte man unbedingt die Kathedrale, den Plaza de Espania oder das Betis Stadion gesehen haben. Bei gutem Wetter sollte man einfach durch die Stadt gehen und den Flair/Charme der Stadt auf sich wirken lassen.


Zuerst möchte ich mich bei allen Beteiligten für diese super Zeit bedanken. Die Erfahrung war es Wert und kann ich nur weiterempfehlen!

Mein Highlight als begeisterter Fußball Fan war der Freitag, an welchem wir den ganzen Tag die verschiedenen Facilities von Betis Sevilla besuchen durften.







Rosenheimer Promotionsstudenten auf der „EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence“ auf Faial Island, Portugal

Das Programm wurde vom Prof. Marcel Tilly als eine Möglichkeit zum Einreichen eines Paper vorgeschlagen. Nach der Annahme und der Ausarbeitung jenes Papers war nun die Option dieses vor Ort zu präsentieren. Durch die finanzielle Unterstützung seitens dem Go Abroad Stipendium und der FuE der TH Rosenheim wurde die Teilnahme ermöglicht.

Die Unterkunft wurde unsererseits selbst organisiert. Wir
entschieden uns somit zur Buchung einer Airbnb-Unterkunft, welche am Rand Hortas am Fuß eines der vielen Vulkane lag. . Die Unterkunft bat Blick übers Meer hinüber zur Nachbarinsel Pico mit dem gleichnamigen Vulkan “Ponta do Pico”.

Die Vorträge auf der Konferenz
kamen aus dem eruropäischen Feld und waren in Gruppen geclustert. Von der Schädlingserkennung beim Weinanbau, über das frühzeitige Erkennen eines sich anbahnenden
Versagens eines Fräskopf hin zur Simulation der Änderungen von Meeresströmungen waren
diverseste Anwendungsfelder der künstlichen Intelligenz dargestellt.
Die Vorträge fanden auf englisch statt und waren entsprechend gut verständlich. Es handelte sich um ein eher kleineres Format und es war ersichtlich, dass auch viele Doktorand:innen dieses Programm nutzen, um ihre Fortschritte und Vorhaben zu präsentieren. In diesem Zusammenhang würden wir Doktorad:innen das Programm empfehlen.

Von der Konferenz aus, wurde eine Nachmittagstour über die Insel Faial angeboten. Wir haben
den inzwischen grünen Caldera “Cabeço Gordo” inmitten der Insel angeschaut, welcher im
gewissen Maße abgetreent der übrigen Fauna und Flora in mitten der Insel weilt. Auch die tote
Landschaft des Vulkans “Capelinhos” am gegenüberliegenden Ende Faials haben wir besucht.

“Forschungsbegeistere Menschen auf einem Haufen münden immer in interessanten
Gesprächen, und wenn die Landschaft daneben viel zum Entdecken bietet, vergeht das
Grinsen gar nicht mehr.“





Pisa was „Bellisima!“- Summer School in Pisa, Italy

This course was about the applications of the Industrial IoT and its practical applications.

The application process was simple and entirely online. I had to fill in all my details and upload my resume. The result was announced via email within a few days.

For the accommodation search, the university provided some options. But I was looking out for cheaper accommodation with the provision of a kitchen too. I was along with 2 other friends from TH Rosenheim who were doing the same summer course as me in the shared room. The arrival session was smooth and welcoming. We were given Canteen Cards and Bags. Learning environment was a Classroom equipped with projectors and speakers.

There were also many hardware demos provided by the respective professors.The language was comprehendible. Although some lectures were challenging as it needed the pre-requisite knowledge. Otherwise, the topics covered (RFID, Connected Vehicles, etc.) were also super interesting. Overall, an interesting and comprehensive course for the students who have a focus on Embedded Systems and IoT. I would recommend this course to the future students.


Visit the Leaning tower of Pisa, Arno River walk during the evenings, enjoy delicious Italian food and wine. Travel to Cinque Terre!. We were taken to the Computer Museum in Pisa where we got a guided tour of the oldest computer in Italy.

Overall, the summer school was comprehensive and highly informative. The learning outcomes from the summer course have helped me understand the possible topics I can consider for a Master Thesis. Getting to interact with the different students, the session on Connected Vehicles by Prof. Saponara and the great food shall be the top-of-mind recalls from this course.











Advanced School Experience on “Vehicle Dynamics, Control and Design” in Udine, Italy


I found out about the program via a post on my network on Linkedin. The school was focused exactly on the topic: Vehicle Dynamics and Control that I am interested in.The Application process included submitting my academic transcripts and it was very smooth. As soon as the application was processed and approved, I was informed of further steps to join.

The Guesthouse room was right next to the CISM Lecture Building. It was very comfortable and had an attached bathroom. I did not have to share the room as well.

The learning environment was very rich and inspiring as most of the participants were PhD Students and researchers in the field. So, everyone was passionate about the same topic. The discussions were about innovative approaches and trends in research along with doubts that students had. The Program started with a short revision of the basics of the topic and went further to the modern approaches and research areas in the field. It was hence a good challenge to take. The lecturers also presented their contributions in research and their results which were fascinating to see.I would hence gladly recommend it to other students.

The Institute also organised a guided city tour that informed us about the history, landscape and the local culture of the town and the region on Friuli-Venezia Giulia in Italy. The specialities of the town of Udine are Ham, Cheese and White Wine which one must try!

I shall always remember this experience of spending an entire week focused on learning more about the topic I like most, with young researchers and experienced professors who share the same interests!




„If you are free in the summer, please pack your bags and join this kind of summer course!“ Summer School in Prague, Czech Republic

I started looking electives to my degree and I saw European summer school option in last spring. Then I found course Online Marketing in Prague in Czech which was 2 weeks face-to-face course.When I found Online Marketing course in Prague, it was the best options which could fit for me. Topic, time, and location were great. Application to the course was easy because it happened online. Accommodation option came from Summer European summer school, and it was Botič Student House in Prague. It was normal student house for semesters, but in summer time there is a lot
of free space available.

Studying in school was great and there were many good lectures. In my course we got different lecturers which was nice experience. Every students had to have own computer that practicing was possible. Otherwise support and material came from course and there was a lot of concrete examples what we did. English language of course was understandable. I would recommend this course students who wants to develop their marketing skills.

After lectures and in the evenings, there was a lot of different opportunities to join different
activities. Summer school offered advised activities for the evenings.

I would say course gave me good experience to my academic and personal side. It was nice to
understand online marketing important for the future and also get some basic how you can
develop it by self.
In personal side, I got many friends and contacts around the world from this 2 week.

go_abroad_testimonial_report_Jesse_Kuusisto (1)


“Energy challenge: An interdisciplinary approach”- Summer School at the University of Groningen, Netherlands


Application process was easy, there were some forms on the website that needed to be filled out plus a short essay why I wanted to attend the summer school. The host university provided me with all the necessary information (Pre-Departure guide etc.).

There was a city walking tour and welcome drinks on our first day, so we really got to know each other and the program hosts. We had another introduction round on Monday morning. We had five lectures, played the WeEnergy Game, visited the company Gasunie, visited a hydrogen and renewable energy research center of the university.

The learning environment was supportive and fun. The size of about 15 people and the excitement of all the participants added to the good work atmosphere.

Groningen is a small city, I recommend staying in Amsterdam before or after the summer school for a couple of days. In Groningen you should see the Forum, go to the market and get a Stroopwafel, see the St. Martins tower, enjoy the vivid city and nightlife, walk or bike along the canal and do a city tour, Groningen has an interesting history!

In this summer school I learned a lot and met the most amazing people from nearly every continent in the world who are very passionate about the energy transition and helped me grow personally and academically.


GoAbroad Report Lisa Geitner

Verena Schusser, a Doctoral Student at TH Rosenheim, presented her current research at ICCM23 in Belfast, Northern Ireland

The ICCM23 is one of the famous international conferences in the plastic industry. I learned by joining the conference and speaking to other scientists and doctoral students. There were people from all over the world who presented their current research work. The experiences I got at the conference helped me to improve my skills and expand my knowledge. I can recommend everyone to take the opportunity and have such an experience themselves. It was enough time to do e.g. sightseeing or to get together with other participants of the conference e.g. in restaurants, at the conference itself or in leisure time. In Belfast you should visit the Titanic Museum and the ship docks where the Titanic was built. I can also recommend a city sightseeing tour and going to an Irish pub.


ANTEC conference experience: „Not only was I able to put my presentation skills to test in a high-stakes environment, but I also gained a lot of confidence in my skills after the presentation“

Vitus participated in the ANTEC conference in Denver, USA, as a scholar of TH Rosenheim. “It is a major international conference in the plastics industry. Participating in a high-class conference was very special to me.  Moreover, the exchange with other PhD students and scientists was very insightful and really broadened my knowledge and experience.” Want to go abroad, too? We support Master’s and PhD students: https://www.th-rosenheim.de/go-abroadgo_abroad_testimonial_report Vitus Zenz.

„This summer school – with the topic: Enabling Technologies, Opportunities and Research Challenges Ahead – can really help me with my future projects!“

The university website provided me all the information about the Erasmus program and summer school programs, through this I got to know about the summer course. This course is specially on Industry 4.0which is the current technologies that are most used. As an Engineer knowing about the currenttechnologies is a must.

Co-ordinator’s from both the universities had help me to go through all the administration work in completion of my application.

The University had also offered us a tour to the Museum in Pisa and during the Leisure times, I travelled with other students to Florence and Viareggio city both are beautiful places. They are many international students in the course, we went out for dinners which was good and got to know many things.
Though Pisa, is very small city but it is filled out with 50,000 students so the city is very bright with the people which I love it, and the main attraction of the city is leaning tower of Pisa, they are few other parks near to the city to sit and relax.“

Through this course, I learnt many things from Industry 4,0. Which I don’t know them before and got a full overview about how the things works. This application can reallyhelp me in my future projects. When I was talking with many students from differentcountries get to know about different experience from them.
Overall, the course was really good for the students both educationally and personal experiences.

Download Report: Report_Summer School_Pisa