Pisa was „Bellisima!“- Summer School in Pisa, Italy

This course was about the applications of the Industrial IoT and its practical applications.

The application process was simple and entirely online. I had to fill in all my details and upload my resume. The result was announced via email within a few days.

For the accommodation search, the university provided some options. But I was looking out for cheaper accommodation with the provision of a kitchen too. I was along with 2 other friends from TH Rosenheim who were doing the same summer course as me in the shared room. The arrival session was smooth and welcoming. We were given Canteen Cards and Bags. Learning environment was a Classroom equipped with projectors and speakers.

There were also many hardware demos provided by the respective professors.The language was comprehendible. Although some lectures were challenging as it needed the pre-requisite knowledge. Otherwise, the topics covered (RFID, Connected Vehicles, etc.) were also super interesting. Overall, an interesting and comprehensive course for the students who have a focus on Embedded Systems and IoT. I would recommend this course to the future students.


Visit the Leaning tower of Pisa, Arno River walk during the evenings, enjoy delicious Italian food and wine. Travel to Cinque Terre!. We were taken to the Computer Museum in Pisa where we got a guided tour of the oldest computer in Italy.

Overall, the summer school was comprehensive and highly informative. The learning outcomes from the summer course have helped me understand the possible topics I can consider for a Master Thesis. Getting to interact with the different students, the session on Connected Vehicles by Prof. Saponara and the great food shall be the top-of-mind recalls from this course.











„This summer school – with the topic: Enabling Technologies, Opportunities and Research Challenges Ahead – can really help me with my future projects!“

The university website provided me all the information about the Erasmus program and summer school programs, through this I got to know about the summer course. This course is specially on Industry 4.0which is the current technologies that are most used. As an Engineer knowing about the currenttechnologies is a must.

Co-ordinator’s from both the universities had help me to go through all the administration work in completion of my application.

The University had also offered us a tour to the Museum in Pisa and during the Leisure times, I travelled with other students to Florence and Viareggio city both are beautiful places. They are many international students in the course, we went out for dinners which was good and got to know many things.
Though Pisa, is very small city but it is filled out with 50,000 students so the city is very bright with the people which I love it, and the main attraction of the city is leaning tower of Pisa, they are few other parks near to the city to sit and relax.“

Through this course, I learnt many things from Industry 4,0. Which I don’t know them before and got a full overview about how the things works. This application can reallyhelp me in my future projects. When I was talking with many students from differentcountries get to know about different experience from them.
Overall, the course was really good for the students both educationally and personal experiences.

Download Report: Report_Summer School_Pisa

Summer School in Pisa? „Geniale Sache! Ein Interessantes Thema in einer wunderschönen Stadt.“


„Über die Website: summerschoolsineurope.eu bin ich auf die Summer School der Universität Pisa gestoßen (..):

  • Universität: Universita di Pisa, Italien
  • Titel: 5G: „Enabling Technologies, Opportunities and Research Challenges Ahead“ im Juli 2022

Da ich selbst mit meinem VW-Bus anreiste, hatte ich keine Schwierigkeiten beim Finden einer Unterkunft. Direkt am Rand der Stadt habe ich einen Platz auf einem Campingplatz bekommen. Und das Beste: Ich hatte mein Fahrrad dabei. Somit konnte ich in nur 3 Minuten zum Schiefen Turm und in 5 Minuten zur Universität radeln.

Das Programm war strikt geregelt und es gab jeden Tag von 9:00 Uhr bis 18:30 Uhr Vorlesungen. Die sehr engagierten Professoren haben diese interessant und interaktiv gestaltet, wobei das Level der Vorlesungen auf einem sehr hohen Niveau war. Auch die technische Ausstattung der Universität war beeindruckend. Angefangen bei der (etwas übertrieben kalten) Klimaanlage bis hin zur multimedialen Gestaltung, alles war auf dem neusten Stand und hat super funktioniert. Zwischen den Vorlesungen wurden wir mit Pizza, Brötchen und süßem Gebäck versorgt 🙂

Tolles Networking: In der Mittagspause und nach den Vorlesungen gingen wir meist als geschlossene Gruppe essen. Auch den Abend verbrachten wir gemeinsam an einem Piazza, in einer Bar oder am Meer. Pisa ist eine wundervolle Stadt, die nach Sonnenuntergang erst so richtig zum leben erweckt. Egal ob am schiefen Turm oder am Fluss Arno, überall herrscht eine angenehme Atmosphäre und es wimmelt nur so von jungen Menschen. (…)

Mein Fazit: Die Summer School hat mir sehr viel Spaß gemacht. Trotz dem straffen Zeitplan der Vorlesungen und den anspruchsvollen Themen habe ich viel mitgenommen und neue Freunde kennengelernt. Das erlernte Wissen wird mir sowohl im Studium als auch im späteren Berufsleben mit Sicherheit weiterhelfen. Ich kann jedem nur ans Herz legen, so eine Erfahrung zu machen.“

Download Erfahrungsbericht: SoSe22_Erfahrungsbericht_SummerSchool_Pisa