Durch die Praxiserfahrung und engen Kontakt mit dem Unternehmen im fünften Semester war der Bewerbungsprozess erleichtert.
Der stetige Kontakt und Absprachen mit meinen Betreuern sowohl von Seiten des Unternehmens, als auch der Hochschule, führte zu zügiger Themenfindung und Beginn der Abschlussarbeit.
Im Vorfeld sollte eine Wohnung/Aufenthaltsbewilligung, ein Bankkonto und ein Krankenversicherungsunternehmen organisiert werden.
Die Wohnungssuche gestaltete sich etwas schleppend, da kein Vermieter auf fünf Monate begrenzt eine Unterkunft zur Verfügung stellte.
Da ich mir einen Campingbus ausgebaut habe, beschloss ich über den Zeitraum einen Stellplatz auf einem Bauernhof zu mieten. In Radentfernung zum Büro war das im Nachhinein eine glückliche Fügung.
Praktikum im Gastunternehmen
Die Erstellung der Bachelorarbeit stand im Vordergrund des Praktikums.
In diesem Zuge konnten Firmenbesichtigungen der Recyclingbranche und Fachtagungen im Bereich des zirkulären Bauens durchgeführt werden.
Eine Firmenreise nach Paris stand ebenfalls auf dem Programm.
Alltag und Freizeit
In Ettiswil gibt es eine kleine private Boulderhalle „Bouldergate“, die einen sehr offenen Umgang mit neue Leuten hat. Ebenfalls gibt es eine große Boulderhalle in Sursee.
Das Engelbergertal ist nicht weit entfernt (45 Minuten mit dem Auto, 1 Stunde mit dem Zug). Dort gibt es ein Skigebiet und diverse Bahnen zum Gleitschirmfliegen.
Der Sempacher See ist sehr schön gelegen und ein Seebad mit dem Rad erreichbar.
Der Sommer war sowohl fachlich als auch persönlich eine sehr wertvolle Erfahrung für mich.
Als Praktikumsunternehmen kann ich die PIRMIN JUNG AG mit ihren sehr guten Strukturen für neue Mitarbeiter und den enormen Kompetenzen im Holzbau sowohl in der Bauphysik als auch in der Tragwerksplanung wärmstens empfehlen.
Die Vorbereitung für meinen einmonatigen Auslandsaufenthalt an der University of British Columbia (UBC) in Kanada begann mit einer umfassenden Recherche im Internet. Um einen ersten Eindruck von der Universität, dem Campus und den Wohnmöglichkeiten zu erhalten, habe ich zahlreiche Vlogs von Studenten der UBC auf YouTube angesehen, die mir wertvolle Einblicke in das Leben auf dem Campus und insbesondere in das Wohnheim, in dem ich während meines Aufenthalts leben würde, gaben.
Nachdem ich alle erforderlichen Unterlagen für das Vancouver Summer Program (VSP) über die UBCHomepage eingereicht und die Zusage der Universität erhalten hatte, musste ich die Anmelde- und Programmgebühr von 3932 € bezahlen, um meinen Platz im Programm zu sichern.
Ein weiterer wichtiger Schritt war das Beantragen der eTA für Kanada und der ESTA für einen Zwischenstopp in den USA. Ich buchte meinen Hin- und Rückflug über Denver nach Vancouver (insgesamt 16 Stunden) und plante, um meinen Aufenthalt optimal zu nutzen, verschiedene Unternehmungen außerhalb des Kurses. Dazu gehörten Besuche in Vancouver sowie Ausflüge in die umliegende Natur.
Ich absolvierte den verpflichtenden Online-Orientierungskurs auf Canvas, der Lernplattform der UBC. Dieser Kurs gab mir wichtige Informationen zu den Campus-Ressourcen und -Regeln. Mitarbeiter des VSP-Teams waren während des Bewerbungs- und Vorbereitungszeitraums per E-Mail mit mir in Kontakt, boten Hilfe bei Problemen an und gaben strukturierte Anweisungen über die nächsten Schritte im Prozess.
Zum Schluss packte ich alle notwendigen Dinge für meinen einmonatigen Aufenthalt. Dabei achtete ich darauf, sowohl Kleidung für das wechselhafte Wetter in Vancouver als auch alle erforderlichen Lernmaterialien mitzunehmen. Mit all diesen Vorbereitungen war ich gut gerüstet für meinen Auslandsaufenthalt an der UBC.
Ich wohnte in der Walter Gage Residence auf dem UBC-Campus und teilte mir eine 6er-WG mit anderen Studenten, die ebenfalls am Vancouver Summer Program teilnahmen. Wir nutzten gemeinsam eine Gemeinschaftsküche, ein Badezimmer mit zwei Duschen und nur einer Toilette.
Jeder hatte sein eigenes Zimmer, das jedoch ziemlich klein und dessen Einrichtung nicht mehr die neueste war. In unserer WG waren fünf verschiedene Nationalitäten vertreten: England, Deutschland, Japan, China und Chile.
Trotz unserer unterschiedlichen Herkunft und Kursbelegungen verstanden wir uns von Anfang an sehr gut und wuchsen im Laufe der Zeit wie eine Familie zusammen.
Studium an der Gasthochschule
In meinem Vancouver Summer Program an der UBC belegte ich zwei Kurse: Robotics und Roboethics. Beide Kurse waren sehr anspruchsvoll, erforderten jedoch keine Vorkenntnisse.
Um die Kurse zu bestehen, mussten wir zahlreiche Gruppenarbeiten, Präsentationen und Kursarbeiten absolvieren. Zudem bauten und programmierten wir einen Roboter und legten am Ende eine Abschlussprüfung ab.
Der Campus der UBC ist so groß, dass man ihn mit einer Stadt vergleichen könnte. Er bietet nahezu alles, was man sich vorstellen kann. Der gesamte Campus ist mit schnellem WLAN ausgestattet.
Es gibt zahlreiche Gebäude, in denen man in gemütlicher Atmosphäre und mit modernster Technik bis in die späten Abendstunden lernen und sich mit Freunden treffen kann. In einem riesigen Hallenbad kann man in zwei großen Schwimmbecken und einem Erlebnis-Pool mit Basketballkörben und einem Whirlpool baden. Fun Fact: In diesem Hallenbad trainieren sogar die Olympiateilnehmer Kanadas.
Im sogenannten Recreation Center kann man alle möglichen Sportarten wie Tischtennis, Badminton und Volleyball mit seinen Freunden ausüben. Mehrere Fitnessstudios stehen ebenfalls zur Verfügung. Die Sportanlagen umfassen ebenfalls Fußballfelder, einen Baseballplatz, eine Eishockeyarena und vieles mehr.
Verhungern wird man auf dem Campus gewiss nicht. Es gibt zahlreiche Essensläden mit multikulturellen Angeboten, sodass man jeden Tag einen anderen Laden ausprobieren könnte.
Die Bibliothek bietet neben Büchern auch coolen UBC-Merch sowie Elektronikartikel und Schulutensilien. Wer gerne in Museen geht, ist ebenfalls gut bedient. Auf dem Campusgelände sind zwei Naturkundemuseen sowie eine Kunstgalerie. Da das Gelände größtenteils von Wasser umschlossen ist, kann man am nahegelegenen Wreck Beach im Meer baden und am Abend den Sonnenuntergang am Strand genießen.
Auch nachts ist auf dem Campus immer etwas los. Man sieht Tanzgruppen, die neue Choreographien einstudieren, Studenten, die abends Basketball spielen, oder Leute, die in den zahlreichen Lokalen mit Freunden abhängen und den Abend genießen. Jeden Mittwochabend kann man eine Disco besuchen, die auch auf dem Campus zu finden ist.
Ein weiterer Fun Fact: Die UBC war bereits Kulisse in vielen verschiedenen Hollywood-Filmen.
Insgesamt bot der Campus der UBC nicht nur hervorragende akademische Möglichkeiten, sondern auch eine Vielzahl an Freizeitattraktionen und Essensangeboten, die meinen Aufenthalt unvergesslich machten.
Was man gesehen haben sollte vor Ort:
Im UBC Botanical Garden den Treewalk bezwingen und die Artenvielfalt bestaunen
Im „AMS Nest“ sich bei TeaDot einen Tea Slush kaufen und ihn ganz oben im Ei genießen
Im Recreation Centre zusammen mit seinen Freunden Badminton, Volleyball oder Tischtennis spielen
Unterhalb des Clock Towers im Park chillen
Im Aquatic Centre seine Bahnen schwimmen und danach im Whirlpool entspannen
Im Irving K. Barber Learning Center bis spät in die Nacht bei gemütlicher Atmosphäre pauken
Im Rosegarden den Duft der Rosen genießen und ein perfektes Bild für Insta aufnehmen
Am Wreck Beach im eiskalten Meer baden und den Sonnenuntergang genießen
Was man gesehen haben sollte außerhalb der Uni:
Radtour um den Stanley Park und danach an einen der vielen Strände chillen
In Downtown Vancouver die modernen Hochhäuser bestaunen und danach in eines der zahlreichen Multikulturellen
Restaurants zu Abend essen gehen
Eine der vielen Abendattraktionen in Vancouver Downtown besuchen, wie Jazzfestival oder Movie Night neben der
Vancouver Art Gallery
Den Queen Elizabeth Park besuchen und im Botanischen Garten Papageien bestaunen
Zur Spitze des Grouse Mountain wandern und von dort die Aussicht über ganz Downtown genießen
Den Olympiaort Whistler besuchen und im Dorf das perfekte Souvenir kaufen
Im Rogers Field Stadion ein Baseballspiel ansehen und das kanadische Team anfeuern
Die Kurse waren sehr interessant und lehrreich
Die VSP-Organisation war sehr gut organisiert und man fühlte sich immer gut beraten
Die für uns zuständigen Koordinatoren haben sich immer gut um uns gekümmert, waren freundlich und haben alle unsere Fragen beantwortet, sowie spannende Aktivitäten für uns organisiert
Bereits im Vorfeld hat man genug Material zur Verfügung gestellt bekommen, um sich für die Zeit im Ausland und für die UBC gut vorbereiten zu können und man wusste, worauf man sich einlässt
Auf dem Campus der UBC hat man sich stets sicher gefühlt, auch wenn man nachts allein unterwegs war
Die Gastfreundschaft, Freundlichkeit und Offenheit der Kanadier
Die Kurse waren teilweise sehr viel Arbeit, sodass man in seiner Freizeit noch viel tun musste und wenn man alle Aktivitäten mitmachen wollte, wurde es schnell sehr stressig
Die Einrichtung der WGs war nicht besonders modern und ein Badezimmer mit einer Toilette war für eine 6er WG etwas zu wenig
Alles in allem war die Zeit in Kanada und an der UBC überwiegend positiv und ich bin froh, am VSP teilgenommen zu haben.
Dieses Erlebnis und die schönen Momente, die ich dort erleben durfte, werde ich nie wieder vergessen. Durch meine Zeit dort konnte ich meine Englischkenntnisse intensiv verbessern, was für meine Zukunft definitiv hilfreich sein wird. Vor allem die Gastfreundschaft und das bunte und multikulturelle Leben der Kanadier hat mich extrem beeindruckt.
The planning and organization by the Univeristy of Maribor was well done. The application process was fairly simple where we had to apply on the website and send them a motivation letter and our resume.
We were provided with information about the programme, accomodation well in advance. The programme was very nicely organised with lectures starting and ending on time and even the field trip to Lake Bled was nicely planned. We were provided with student discount coupons using which we could all have a full meal at restaurants at a very cheap price.
We were accomodated in the student dorm for a week , each room at 2 bedrooms so it was a shared space and the price was 100 euros.
Personally, I did not face any problems with the accomodation but my colleagues reported they had problems with the toilet or the door lock. I was satisfied by my experience with the accomodation.
Study at the Host University
Our programme was about implementing sustainable practices in the business world and we had professors as well as guest lecturers from different companies coming to the class to tell us how they implement sustainability in the business. The lectures from 9 am till 4 pm were hectic but we were provided snacks and refreshment in the morning and for lunch we all went to a restaurant using our student discount coupons and we didn’t pay anything. For the leisure activities we had a guided tour of Maribor, volleyball and cinema night.
Everyday Life and Leisure
It was raining most of the time so we utilised the sunny days exploring the city together going on walks around the lake and the museum.
After the walks, one of us always booked a reservation and we had dinner together using our student coupons. Since Maribor was a small city, we covered all of it in 2-3 days.
On my extra day, I travelled to the capital city, Ljubljana, and had a tour of the castles and the dragon bridge. Since Maribor was a small city, we didn’t have a party place so we had a mini-party at the student dorm to celebrate completing the Summer School.
I would definitely recommend this programme to other students. The opportunity to learn an important topic like sustainability, meeting people from all around the globe and having food and accommodation at a very economical price was fun for me.
I would also like to thank our programme coordinator Romana Korez who was dedicated to giving us a fullfilling experience and listened to any grievances we had and also tolerated us when we were too overwhelming at times.
My Name is Lilli Lechner (lilli.lechner@stud.th-rosenheim.de), I am studying Management and Engineering (Faculty Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen) in my hometown Rosenheim. Shortly before the start of my 4th semester, I took part in the BIP “Sustainable Self: Biohacking for Life-Work Synergy” at Skoda Auto University in Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic. It lasted for one week from the 9th till the 13th of September with two additional online sessions.
I saw the program on the TH Rosenheim website and decided to apply. I only had to fill out one Application Form and got selected to join the program. I had to apply for Erasmus+ at the International Office in Rosenheim and pay a 70 € fee for the program to SAU (Skoda Auto University).
The International Coordinator of SAU asked me if I want to stay in the dorms, so I had accommodation by only writing one e-mail. It cost 18 € per night and it was an apartment for 4 but only me and one other girl were staying there.
Study at the Host University
The program started on a Monday at 8:45 am. The first day was mostly lectures and a visit to the Skoda office, where the Skoda Health Department presented us with the challenge that we had to do for this program. Afterwards we had a lovely welcome dinner. In the following days we formed groups of six and worked on the challenge.
The professors held short lectures from time to time and assigned us exercises that would help us with our teamwork. On the last day we held our final presentation in front of two Skoda employees and the professors.
After the lectures we had lots of social activities. For example, a tour through a local brewery, bowling and the Skoda Museum. I made lots of friends, especially with my Israeli roommate. It was amazing to spend time with so many different people from different countries and study courses.
Everyday Life and Leisure
Mladá Boleslav, or as I like to call it: Skoda town, is dominated by, you guessed it, Skoda. Half of the area of the city is claimed by the Skoda Factory and office buildings. ¾ of the working population work for Skoda. There is not much to see except for nice cafés and restaurants.
But food is all we cared about after these long days at the university, so we didn’t mind.
The program was much better than I expected! The community we, the participants, formed after just one week was amazing. I had so much fun just talking with my new friends and working together on one project. And, this weird industrial city has conquered my heart. I definitely recommend doing a short program and I definitely want to do more of these during my studies in Rosenheim.
BIP Energy: Towards a Sustainable Energy System. Challenges and Opportunities. (Summer School)
June-July (summer semester 2024)
Faculty of Engineering Sciences, Master’s Degree Programme in Engineering Sciences at TH Rosenheim
Mihir Raj Rathore, rathore.mihirraj@gmail.com
I applied for the BIP on Energy at the University of Valladolid, focusing on sustainable energy systems. The application process involved submitting an online application directly through the International Office at TH Rosenheim. After getting accepted for this Summer School Program, I submitted an Application, Learning Agreement, and Green travel allowance form.
I received confirmation from the University of Valladolid and further information on the program including course structure, topics covered, the schedule, accommodation options, and contact information for program coordinators.
During the program, I stayed at the Book Factory Hostel in Valladolid which is only at a walking distance of 10 minutes from the University.
The accommodation was comfortable, affordable, and conveniently located near the university. It offered modern amenities and a friendly atmosphere, which made my stay enjoyable.
Study at the Host University
The program provided a mix of virtual and face-to-face sessions. Topics covered included hydrogen as an energy carrier, biomass in eco-efficient cooking, offshore renewables, and zero emission buildings. Sessions were led by experts from various universities and industries, offering a comprehensive overview of current energy challenges and solutions.
Facilities were modern and included access to libraries, study rooms, and online resources. In addition to academic activities, there were organised social activities, such as guided tours of Valladolid.
Everyday Life and Leisure
Interaction with both local and international students was encouraged through group projects and social activities. This facilitated cultural exchange and professional networking. I made some amazing friends during the program, and we spent a lot of time together outside of classes. We explored the city of Valladolid, visited historical sites, and enjoyed local cuisine and drinks.
Our small group had two local friends who are studying at the University of Valladolid. They showed us the best of the town, introduced us to the best food spots and places, and helped us a lot with the language gap. Their companionship made our experience much richer and more enjoyable.
Valladolid is rich in cultural heritage. I visited historical sites like the Cathedral, the Church of San Pablo, and the National Sculpture Museum.
Additionally, I participated in the visit to the Vineyards Bodegas Menade, where we had such a great time learning about the wine production in ancient times vs today and had the opportunity to taste different wines. Valladolid has a vibrant nightlife which we enjoyed. We often went out with our Spanish friends for Tapas and drinks. Experiencing the local culture and making the most of our time there.
I highly recommend the SGroup BIP on Energy program to other students interested in sustainable energy. The program’s comprehensive curriculum, expert-led sessions, and the cultural richness of Valladolid made it a highly enriching experience.
What I liked most was the diverse range of topics covered and the opportunity to learn from leading experts in the field. The friendships I made and the experiences we shared added immense value to my time abroad.
BIP Boost your Entrepreneurship skills in Transylvania (BEST)
Summer semester 2024
Business Administration, MA International Management
Manya Madan, manyamadan77@gmail.com
The International office helped throughout the entire application process. The BIP was posted on the university dashboard and the whole procedure from applying till coming back was very easy and convenient.
Accommodation was provided by the host university itself in their university premises. It was a great accommodation with 5-star hotel facilities. Every meal was also provided by the organisers according to the students’ preferences.
Study at the Host University
I loved the the whole programme. Besides providing us with stay and meals, they also helped us guide through the beautiful city of Targu Mures.
We had workshops with the founders of local startups from Targu Mures and came up with ways to improvise their startups and came up with innovations in respect to their products. We were given practical sessions on the production process of the products as well.
Everyday Life and Leisure
In our leisure times, we explored the city with local students and teachers from the university. We visited zoos, museums and we partied as well.
I would highly recommend this programme to other students. It is a one time opportunity to learn, explore and celebrate. I loved the vibe of the whole programme. It was learning while having fun. Unforgettable experience. Must try!
I got the opportunity to apply for the BIP programme through the Dashboard of Learning Campus, and I applied immediately. Luckily, I got admitted into the programme which was offered by SMK, Lithuania. I found the BIP in Kaunas is related to my field of study and my interest, so I accepted the offer.
The BIP in Kaunas was about Innovation and Technology Management from 10-14th of June 2024 which was the perfect time for me as my summer semester was about to end. After accepting the letter of confirmation, I contacted the International Office at my university and filled in all the important documents for Erasmus+ and started preparing for the travel and accommodation.
Me with my 3 other friends booked the Mr. Jo’s Hostel which was recommended by the SMK University for students. The hostel was at the middle of University and City centre which I found very convenient. We came to Kaunas via Flix Bus, and the hostel was very close to the bus station. It’s very affordable for the students and you’ll save lots of money compared to the expensive 5-star hotels or any Airbnb.
The Hostel was very well maintained, furnished as well and they have maintained the cleanliness too. I personally enjoyed my stay at Mr. Jo’s hostel as I didn’t expect the Hostel to provide the essential amenities like Wi-Fi, kitchen, mini fridge in the rooms, microwave, hair dryer, washing machine, clean facilities and most important helpful and friendly staff. There were couches in the common area in which you can socialize with other people, students or maybe travellers.
Study at the Host University
The one-week BIP programme was truly engaging with 21 other international students. We had lectures which focused on innovation and technology in day to day lives. It provided a strong theoretical as well as practical approach on latest advancements and their impact on management practices.
We also had a factory visit of ‘FREDA’, the biggest furniture manufacturer in Lithuania in which we saw the transformation of furniture through various technological innovations.
After that, we also had a lecture on innovation and technology in the fashion business which provided a valuable insight into the fashion industry. On the last day, we had to show what we have learned from all this and how we can apply innovation and technology in real-life concepts. We presented the project in front of the class and received feedback from professors and peers. I really liked the University’s infrastructure, and the quality of study which they provide to the students.
Everyday Life and Leisure
In our itinerary, on the very first day we had a Kaunas city walking tour which was a delight to see the old town and new town of the city. The city vibe was friendly and welcoming. We had walked through ‘The Laisves Aleja’ which is one of the longest pedestrian streets in Eastern Europe. The whole street was filled with pubs, coffee shops, bars and what not. There were so many historical sites to explore as well.
Kaunas transforms into a vibrant hub at night. People enjoy the local beers in the bars with the live music, food and friendly atmosphere. It was so easy to talk with locals there as they all speak English. I saw many local people wearing green jersey T-shirt – they all were coming from the Stadium to support their football team-Žalgiris.
We also enjoyed Lithuania’s cultural food fest.
There we had tried Lithuania’s traditional dish – Cepalinai -, made of potato dumpling offered with beetroot soup. It was delicious and fulfilling. There was so much to do in the city, I went for shopping with my friends to collect souvenirs. For dinner, we enjoyed Charlie’s pizza which was so affordable and tasty.
I would recommend this programme to other students. The week was full of learnings and making memorable experiences. The BIP gave me an invaluable experience. It was a perfect blend of cultural mix and academic learning. It was an unforgettable journey that pushed me intellectually and personally.
Ačiū Lietuva (Thank you, Lithuania) for a wonderful experience.
Management and Leadership course is my interest. It gained my interest when they announced the BIP programme about it. Prof. Lachmann encouraged the students to take part in the BIP. Also, Tina Kaffl from the International Office was of much support.
As this was my first BIP, Tina was so helpful in answering my concerns and queries.
Donata from the SMK university in Lithuania sent us the link to book accommodation in the city with many options.
Study at the Host University
The plan was well organised. In the first 2 days, Prof. Kristina took us through Leadership qualities. Day 3 and 4, Prof. Sandra took us through Leadership psychology. Both the professors were good in explaining the concept and making the sessions interactive and intesting.
The first day after class, they arranged for a city tour, which helped us to learn about the places and easy to commute. The second day after class, they took us out for dinner. The 3rd day after class, they took us to a research center as a study visit.
We were working as group from day 1. On the last day, we as a group, presented our ideas based on the lecture.
Everyday Life and Leisure
I saw many cathedrals and ancient buildings. The architecture inside the buildings was so good. People both in the university and in the city were good and ready to assist.
I would recommend this programme. It helps to understand the cultural differences in the workplace and to manage them.
BIP Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) on “Digital Business: Crossing national and disciplinary boundaries
Summer Semester 2024
Faculty: Business Administration, Study: International Management
The planning, organisation and application to the host university was very easy. The program coordinators and international office of TH Rosenheim guided us through the whole process which helped us students a lot. I could not imagine having a better organisation for this program. Also the application for the Erasmus+ scholarship was really easy.
For this week in Zagreb a very central hostel was recommended to us. As we were a group of 6 people, we booked an Airbnb at the Ban Jelačić Square. We paid around 25 € per Person per night. It was a very big flat with a kitchen, terrace. It is separated in 2 bedrooms for 5 people in total and a couch for 2 people. I would highly recommend this flat as you can reach the Algebra University within 20 minutes by tram. Also a lot of restaurants and supermarkets are nearby. You can reach everything on foot. Also the host was a very nice and friendly person. The flat was cleaned in the mid of the week.
Study at the Host University
The university is a very modern and new university with great equipment. For lunch you can go to the canteen or also to the café opposite of the university building. You can reach the university by tram and afterwards walking for another 5-10 minutes. All of the professors and the students are very nice and you can learn a lot from them.
The program was very interesting as we were separated in groups with students from all the different universities. Belgium, Zagreb and Rosenheim.
The teamwork was amazing as we all had different backgrounds and knowledge. All in all this opportunity helped me to improve my teamwork skills, presentation skills and also the knowledge of metaverse.
Everyday Life and Leisure
Class started at 9 am every morning. So we had a very slow morning with coffee and small snacks from the bakery. After the first workshop in the morning we had a lunch break for around 1 hour.
In the evening we had dinner with students from all universities and afterwards we went to bars for a drink. The clubs were also very nice! On Wednesday we had a trip to a museum and a castle, organized by the host university.
For leisure time, you can walk to a river, go shopping or just sit in a bar. Within 2 hours you can also reach the sea. You can reach Zagreb either by car or by train and bus. Please note that you organize a parking slot for your car at the Algebra University in Zagreb in advance. We thought it is cheap to park in the parking garage but it is not. We recommend parking at the university for around 35 € for one week.
I filled in the registration form for the BIP in Windesheim on Global Affairs as doing this programme gave me credits in my Master course in International Management at TH Rosenheim. I got the acceptance letter at around end of February and the programme itinerary later that week. I started my preparation by informing the International Office about my participation in the BIP along with my professor.
Filled out all the forms for the Erasmus+ grant and started booking the travel and accommodation.
My BIP lasted 5 days, so I booked an Airbnb room along with my 2 friends. It’s very difficult to find a decent budget hotel in Zwolle, and that too near the university. Transportation is easily available there, hence we booked our Airbnb 20 mins away from the uni. There are lots of Airbnbs and Hotels in the city centre also but a bit expensive for students. It is recommended to book the accommodation as soon as possible for better deals.
Study at the Host University
The Blended Intensive Programmes at Windesheim UAS is a combination of online and offline collaboration with students and their partners abroad. The partner’s university students work alongside the students from Windesheim on a project. In this programme, students collaborate both online and offline for a specific period over a week and it is funded by Erasmus+.
Everyday Life and Leisure
In Zwolle, life moves at a slower pace, with a focus on community and relaxation. Dutch people prefer bicycle over cars, and so we were given a bicycle also to stroll in the city. With each pedal stroke, I saw lots of serene canals and bridges, sheep, horses lined with graceful windmills and of course, tulips farms.
After our classes, I usually went with my friends to the city centre and tried the famous stroopwaffles and pancakes. We got some souvenirs and enjoyed the eateries at a local café – The Flying Horse (recommended by the Windesheim Students). I also went to Amsterdam after our BIP ended. It’s a busy city with lots of tourists. There are attractions like museums and galleries, and oh the architecture is just worth seeing. I really loved the street-food there – the famous Mannekinpis Fries and churros, explored the iconic canals by boat and took lots of pictures.
I would recommend this programme to other students. It’s a perfect blend of learning and exploring. I enjoyed the Dutch culture of teaching with the innovative and dynamic nature of the activities, fostering cross-cultural exchange and mutual learning among international students. I liked the most that we started with sports activities and some team building exercises to build trust and facilitate a deeper understanding of one another.