„Management Psychology and Personal Leadership“ – Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) in Vilnius, Lithuania

Programme Details

  • SMK College of Applied Sciences, Vilnius, Lithuania
  • Blended Intensive Programme / Summer School: Management psychology and personal leadership
  • Summer 2024 (20-24th of May, 2024)
  • Masters in International Management
  • Johncy Rani Loganthan, johncy.loganathan@stud.th-rosenheim.de


Management and Leadership course is my interest. It gained my interest when they announced the BIP programme about it. Prof. Lachmann encouraged the students to take part in the BIP. Also, Tina Kaffl from the International Office was of much support.

As this was my first BIP, Tina was so helpful in answering my concerns and queries.


Donata from the SMK university in Lithuania sent us the link to book accommodation in the city with many options.

Study at the Host University

The plan was well organised. In the first 2 days, Prof. Kristina took us through Leadership qualities. Day 3 and 4, Prof. Sandra took us through Leadership psychology. Both the professors were good in explaining the concept and making the sessions interactive and intesting.

The first day after class, they arranged for a city tour, which helped us to learn about the places and easy to commute. The second day after class, they took us out for dinner. The 3rd day after class, they took us to a research center as a study visit.

We were working as group from day 1. On the last day, we as a group, presented our ideas based on the lecture.

Everyday Life and Leisure

I saw many cathedrals and ancient buildings. The architecture inside the buildings was so good. People both in the university and in the city were good and ready to assist.


I would recommend this programme. It helps to understand the cultural differences in the workplace and to manage them.

Auslandssemester in Vilnius, Litauen

(…) In der Einführungswoche hat man die Möglichkeit viele Erasmus-Stutenten kennenzulernen (z. B. beim Pub-Quiz, Karaoke-Abend, Trip nach Trakai…). Die Organisation ESN bietet unterschiedliche Trips an, hier kann man das Land Litauen besser kennenlernen und Kontakte knüpfen. (…) Ich würde jederzeit wieder mein Auslandssemester in Vilnius verbringen, das Land hat viel zu bieten und man kann sehr günstig reisen. Außerdem kann man billig in andere Länder fliegen. Wir waren beispielsweise über Ostern in Oslo und Kopenhagen. (…)

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Auslandssemester in Vilnius, Litauen

Die Planung des Auslandssemesters gestaltete sich relativ strukturiert und somit einfach. Zuerst wählte ich eine geeignete Austauschuniversität aus. Die University of Vilnius schien mir am besten geeignet, da sie Masterfächer auf Englisch anboten. (…) Insgesamt bin ich sehr glücklich darüber, dass ich das Erasmussemester genutzt und den Schritt gewagt habe. Neben den interesanten Erfahrungen und Eindrücken habe ich auch viele neue Freunde gewonnen.

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