Feedback from an international exchange student

„Because I thought that I would like to study not only by my head but also my hands. The University has many professionals and great facility for making products or whatever your ideas.“

Sumire Yamazaki from Japan

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Sumire Yamazaki_Japan_Incoming

„I’ve always wanted to visit Germany, and I heard Bavaria is one of the best places to visit (It definitely is).“

„My University has a partnership with Rosenheim that made it very easy to study abroad. I’ve always wanted to visit Germany, and I heard Bavaria is one of the best places to visit (It definitely is). I also had taken German language courses before, so I was eager to practice.“

Connor Pettit from USA



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Connor Pettit_USA_Incoming

„Just enjoy your time in Rosenheim as much as you can!“

„Just enjoy your time in Rosenheim as much as you can! I was very happy with the professors and their attitude towards the students, the Mensa was great and the international office did a perfect job by providing useful infos and organizing wonderful trips for us.“

Andrea Zitnanova from Slovakia

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„I had really pleasant stay here in Rosenheim.“

„I had really pleasant stay here in Rosenheim. Everyone was really kind with me, I felt rapidly integrated to the University and I appreciated all the helps for the administration procedures.“

Grégoire Romain from France

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„It’s absolutely fantastic.“

„I love the people here. Nice hospitality like Thai people. In the class, I also study with my friends from different countries and we share the experiences together. It’s absolutely fantastic. Moreover, the varieties of cultures and local people around university are really helpful and friendly. I totally love them.“

Thanakrit Puengwasitthon from Thailand

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Thanakrit Puengwasitthon WS 2014_Erfahrungsbericht_Studium_Rosenheim

Thanakrit Puengwasitthon