Xian Chen from China: I love the Alps and Rosenheim 😊

„Ich bin Masterstudentin der Innenarchitektur an der TH Rosenheim. Ich komme aus China. Ich mag die Alpen und die Natur hier in Süddeutschland sehr, ich habe so viele Lieblingsfotos.“

What a beautiful sunset: Chiemsee (20 minutes by train from Rosenheim)

Sourabh´s and Rejoy´s tip: Go to Königssee, Berchtesgaden

What a beautiful view! Königssee, photo taken by Sourabh

Sourabh Magadum, student from India: „I have experienced wonderful nature around me. I fell in love with the Bavarian Alps the moment I visited Königssee.“

My tip: Go to Berchtesgaden! And visit the Königssee and the Eiskapelle „Watzmann Cave“, Rejoys, student from India

Rejoys, student from India: „How I fell in love with Rosenheim? 🧡 It´s simple the opportunity for doing many treks all around Bavaria!“

„Sometimes I found otherworldly beauties during my trips, which gave me such a pleasure and most cherished moments in my life. It´s only because I live in this beautiful Bavarian City, Rosenheim!“


„I immediately fell in love with Rosenheim due to its weather, clean environment, local festivals and friendly people.“ 🧡

Shaunak Nemivant from India:

„I had my first encounter with Rosenheim 2 years ago when I came here to study Masters in Engineering Sciences at TH Rosenheim. I immediately fell in love with Rosenheim due to its weather, clean environment, local festivals and friendly people. Being located at the foothills of Bavarian Alps makes it cherry on the top for amateur photographers like me to explore the nearby areas and seek exquisite views of the mountains.“

Beautiful sunset at TH Rosenheim😊